Switching On:

1. Turn on the “LASER IN USE” switch on the wall.

2. Follow the order of the labelled switches from 1 to 3, number 4 is the mini PC, 5 is the Zeiss PC.

Important: The Argon ion laser (switches 6 and 7) is needed only for LSM 780 (confocal) for laser lines 458 nm, 488 nm and 514 nm. Do not switch it on if you intend to use only ELYRA (TIRF, SIM, localization microscopy) or you do not intend to use any of those lines in confocal. The epifluorescence lamp 8 is mainly for observing fluorescence by the eyepiece. Do not turn it on if you do not intend to use it.

3. Log in as User and start ZEN Black Edition software.

Notes on the epifluorescence lamp:
  • Do not switch off the lamp if it has been on for less than 30 min.
  • Do not switch on the lamp if it has been off for less than 15 min.
  • Switch off the lamp if you do not need it for a long time (e.g. acquiring a long time-lapse). The lamp is only for locating the sample using the eyepiece.

Notes on the Argon ion laser:
  • The laser needs a few minutes to warm up and stabilize (indicating by green LED at the control panel with laser on/idle switch 6).
  • If you interrupt your experiment for a break or there is a gap of less than 1 hour between your and the next user’s time slots, switch the laser to idle (6), do not leave it on or turn it off completely.

Switching Off:

1. Make sure you have saved your data and turn off ZEN software.

2. Move the objective to the escape position and remove your sample.

3. If you have used an immersion objective, wipe it clean. Use the lens cleaning tissue. For cleaning oil immersion, moisten the tissue at the solvent dispenser. Always wipe the objective only once, in one direction. If this is not sufficient, repeat with a new piece of tissue. Never reuse the tissue.

5. Use the mini PC to transfer your data to OMERO or shared network drive.

6. Shut down the computers. Switch off the mini PC first!

6. Turn off the numbered switches in the reverse order, starting from 7 or 6. Important: After turning off the Argon ion laser key 5, wait for a few minutes until the laser fan has stopped (audible) before proceeding to the switches 3 – 1.

7. Turn off the “LASER IN USE” switch on the wall.

8. Make sure you leave the microscope room clean. Spray with 70% ethanol and wipe any surfaces that could have been in contact with biological material. Do not leave any samples or any other belongings behind.